As an avid traveller and water activity do-er, I created Drench™.
This all started when I was in Jamaica in 2021. I was on an excursion- the blue hole and I had to jump down into a 20 ft cave full of water. The tour did not include lockers, or anywhere safe to store my valuables.
My partner had a fanny pack with him that was not waterproof and we decided to keep our money and cards with us. It is better to be safe than sorry while vacationing.
After the excursion, our money was drenched! We had to pull each dollar bill apart and set them out to dry.
I thought to myself, “why don’t I make a waterproof fanny pack that I can take on these types of excursions”.
I wanted the waist pack to be big enough to carry my phone, as well as a few personal belongings and look stylish at the same time.
The first few prototypes looked like rubber. I contacted my manufacturer and told them I wanted it to look like material. This is so the fanny pack can be worn at all times, not just in the water.
This product took about 6 months to develop and find the right manufacturer.